quarta-feira, 24 de abril de 2013

Chique no úrtimo, pilotos da CAAR saindo no site da XRAY. Parabéns Jambo!

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Race report by Flavio Salinet
This past weekend the second round of the Campeonato Paranaense Super Stock was held on the track of CAAR. The weather was great, sunny and sky without any cloud. With this weather race was the best we could do. After quick qualification taking only 10 minutes this was the grid for the finals:

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1. TQ - Otavio Langowski
2. Lincoln Almeida
3. Luiz Sergio Gonzaga
4. Fabiano Franco - XRAY T3 2012
5. Hamilton Julio Jr - XRAY T4
6. Adriano Ferro - XRAY T4
7. William Capitelli - XRAY T4
8. Sandro Lopes - XRAY T4
9. Miguel Woller - XRAY T3'11
10. Flavio Salinet - XRAY T4
11. Rodrigo Stella - XRAY T3 2012
12. Edson Lima - XRAY T4
13. Edison Gomez - XRAY T4
14. Jonas Ferstemberg - XRAY T4

15. Fabio Bruning
16. Alberto Assef - XRAY T3 2012
17. Lucas Alexandre

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Flavio Salinet could have done a better time but he made only 3 laps to set a time. In the finals, Flavio won 4 of the 5 heats and also set the track record to 13.444 seconds. It was also a clear domination of XRAY with 8 cars in the top ten.

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Final results:
1. Flavio Salinet - XRAY T4
2. Michael Woller - XRAY T3 2012
3. Adriano Iron - XRAY T4
4. Jonas Ferstemberg - XRAY T4
5. Sandro Lopes - XRAY T4
6. Hamilton Julio Jr - XRAY T4

7. Otavio Langowski
8. Sergio Luiz Gonzaga
9. Stella Rodrigo - XRAY T3 2012
10. Edson Lima - XRAY T4
11. Fabiano Franco - XRAY T3 2012
12. William Capitelli - XRAY T4
13. Edson Lima - XRAY T4

14. Fabio Bruning
15. Lucas Alexander
16. Alberto Assef - XRAY T3 2012
17. Lincoln Almeida

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We from FS MODELSPORT MZ thank XRAY and RC America for support. See you all at the next round in may.

Set-up sheet
Flavio Salinet

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